When you perform an act of kindness to create a nice image, it does not align with true kindness. This cause a deviation from the true meaning of kindness.

Your act or acts of kindness should not be about YOU.

It should be about creating an impact. It should be about improving a person’s life for a community by providing or improving some of its amenities, among other things

It is about identifying a problem and providing a solution or helping to solve it.

And it should be altruistic. Yes, with no ulterior motive.

It should be driven by empathy. (empathetic) Yes, not to show off or show that you are nice.

Let me tell you a short story.

The Caprecon Foundation team in Jos, Nigeria, identified a problem. It involved the poor state of a makeshift learning tent in an IDP camp. It was in a dire condition and they decided to act.

They partnered with the providers and improved the environment by providing a child-friendly tent, wooden desks, and study materials.

Unfortunately, the structure was pulled down, by the authorities for reasons best known to them.

At Caprecon Foundation, we do our kindness not to be seen as nice. We do it to create an impact. We understand the importance of community.

DH, Founder Caprecon Foundation

Chaplain, community development and refugee care. www.caprecon.org

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